The Value of Social Media

Emarketing Canada is giving a 10 minute talk at the Quality Hotel in the West Island of Montreal on the Value of Social Media to Montreal Businesses. If you would like to discuss what Social Media can do for your Company, visit the Social Media section of our Web site.

Or call us at 514-626-2551 to see how your sales can increase by using various Social Media Channels.

2 thoughts on “The Value of Social Media

  1. George G Posted on Why don’t you just call their customer servcie number and speak with a live agent and have them walk you right through it.

  2. Sarah,Agreed! Thanks for your comments. Businesses of all sizes are using Twitter as soelly a customer service tool, for example Best Buy has a separate account for their that has nearly 25,000 followers. This customer service-oriented account even has more followers than ! Both B2Bs and B2Cs must all think about the power that lies behind engaging customers online. In the words of , [Social media] is about reducing walls between people who have influence and those who they influence. Thank you,Abby

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